7 Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Leachate Treatment System
CLICK! To talk to a Dump Water Wizard now! When choosing a leachate treatment system it is important to get it right! The following article explains the big 7 mistakes to avoid when choosing a leachate treatment system. It always surprises me how many clients make at least one of these mistakes. Landfills are a […]
Project 1: Extended Aeration SBR Leachate Treatment Plants
CLICK! To talk to a Dump Water Wizard now! The Leachate Buster completed the following successful leachate treatment plants which have both been in successful operation at their respective landfills for over 20 years. The above are just two of over 20 such leachate treatment plants completed by the Leachate Buster!
Why is Leachate from Landfills of Concern?
CLICK! To talk to a Dump Water Wizard now! OK. So you want to know why is leachate from landfills of concern. The reasons why leachate from landfills is of concern are many and are best considered by first discussing what landfills contain and the escape pathways leachate containing those substances may follow. Landfill leachate […]
Effects of Leachate on Groundwater
CLICK! To talk to a Dump Water Wizard now! There can be serious effects of leachate on groundwater: A release of leachate to the groundwater may present several risks to human health and the environment. The release of hazardous and nonhazardous components of leachate may render an aquifer unusable for drinking-water purposes and other uses. […]
Why is Leachate Bad?
CLICK! To talk to a Dump Water Wizard now! Why is leachate bad? is often asked. The answer is explained here in its potential to pollute, cause fish-kills and make water supplies undrinkable. Leachate is produced in landfills and it is just about the worst thing landfills do to the environment. The Bad Impacts of […]