Image shows leachate tanks, often used as part of leachate treatment systems. Leachate awaiting removal to a POTW.

Leachate Treatment Systems 101 – Landfill Training for Beginners

CLICK! To talk to a Dump Water Wizard now! All you need to know about the term “leachate treatment systems“. In this 101 style article we have set out to answer any questions beginners may have about leachate treatment systems. We have tried to cover all the basic principles and concepts using curation. Through curation […]

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CC BY-SA by Marufish

What is Leachate Treatment | How is Leachate Treated?

CLICK! To talk to a Dump Water Wizard now! What is leachate treatment?; is a common question soon to be followed by the follow on question of how is leachate treated? Read on and we’ll do our best to explain: Definition of Leachate A leachate is any liquid that, in the course of passing through […]

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CC BY-NC by MN Pollution Control Agency

Leachate Treatment in the UK

CLICK! To talk to a Dump Water Wizard now! Leachate Treatment in the UK has traditionally always been dominated by biological treatment. For example, very few Reverse Osmosis Plants have been installed on UK landfills. Biological leachate treatment design skills, which form the core of so many UK leachate treatment plants don’t appear to exist […]

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CC BY by BlueShift 12

Leachate from Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Residues

CLICK! To talk to a Dump Water Wizard now! For those seeking information about treating Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Residues, this publication provides wide-ranging and detailed information about Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Residues. It does it across a broad spectrum of topics which are important for the management of MSW incinerator residues. “Municipal Solid Waste […]

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CC BY by Sustainable sanitation

Constructed Wetlands for the Treatment of Landfill Leachates

CLICK! To talk to a Dump Water Wizard now! “Constructed Wetlands for the Treatment of Landfill Leachates”: A book that will provide an invaluable source of information on the subject for scientists, engineers, practitioners, policy makers, and regulatory officials. “Constructed wetlands can be an extremely low cost and highly sustainable method for landfill leachate treatment, […]

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Image shows the characteristics-and-Impacts of Landfill Leachate book cover.

The Characteristics and Impacts of Landfill Leachate

CLICK! To talk to a Dump Water Wizard now! Characteristics and Impacts of Landfill Leachate: Is an important publication for all landfill design professionals, encompassing a wide range of landfill leachate types and issues across varied landfill situations. Read more below:. “An important publication for landfill designers” Disposing of solid waste to sanitary landfills is […]

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