A leachate batch reactor for assessing a leachate treatment plant design.

Leachate Treatment Process – 5 Top Steps to Designing One

CLICK! To talk to a Dump Water Wizard now! Are you Designing a Leachate Treatment Process? If so, you will need to correctly select the best process design, and use the most efficient of all possible leachate treatment process. If that’s you, you really should study what’s important. Quite simply, you should read this! “Designing […]

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Leachate Treatment Greenhouse Gas Emission – Why You Should Minimize It

CLICK! To talk to a Dump Water Wizard now! Would it not be handy if you could minimise leachate treatment greenhouse gas emission? Well, in fact you should minimize it. Most nations are in the process of adopting climate change policies, so it will soon become an obligation. Keep reading this article to find out […]

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CC BY-NC-ND by ca_heckler

Learn How to Assess Leachate Treatment by Electrolysis In 5 Clear Steps

CLICK! To talk to a Dump Water Wizard now! Leachate treatment electrolysis has been studied for more than 20 years and many academic papers suggest that it can be used for leachate treatment. But are these ideas likely to provide a reliable and cost effective leachate treatment plant design? Read more… “Make sure that any […]

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Image shows a man pointing at a leachate denitrification headline.

Leachate Denitrification Treatment Positives and Negatives

CLICK! To talk to a Dump Water Wizard now! Denitrification is a microbially facilitated process where nitrate (NO3−) is reduced and ultimately produces molecular nitrogen (N2) through a series of intermediate gaseous nitrogen oxide products. Definition: Facultative anaerobic bacteria perform denitrification as a type of respiration that reduces oxidized forms of nitrogen in response to […]

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Leachate Treatment by Heat Treated Zeolite Media

CLICK! To talk to a Dump Water Wizard now! There’s a product within the leachate treatment by heat treated zeolite media category, named “heat treated zeolite” that at first glance shows quite a lot of promise. For leachate treatment. Read more here. “We provide our comments on a new material with good adsorption properties which […]

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CC BY-NC by USFWS Pacific

Leachate Treatment by Filtration – The Three Mistakes People Make

CLICK! To talk to a Dump Water Wizard now! Inexperienced designers of leachate treatment plants get things wrong and fail when they use leachate treatment by filtration. Displayed below are the 3 most widespread errors that individuals make with those that decide to install a leachate treatment filtration system such as a percolating/trickling filter, “Leachate […]

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