“Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Residues produce a leachate which is completely different from MSW/Sanitary Landfill Leachate. This document is the point of reference for information on the leachate from such sources”.
This publication provides wide-ranging and detailed information across a broad spectrum of topics which are important for the management of Municipal Solid Waste incinerator residues.
Background information provided includes a history of incineration, and the influence of municipal waste composition, incinerator type air pollution control technologies on residue quality.
The physical, chemical compositions of incinerator residues are described, along with leaching characteristics for the various ash streams produced by the different incinerator technologies studied.
Recommended sampling and evaluation methodologies are provided.
Residue handling and management options, are also given the prominence to match the importance they are assuming nowadays, including:
- residue treatment
- residue
- and residue disposal;
which are also discussed in detail.
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